Problem solving activity:
(Direct type)
🔻I have a leaking pipe. Find apt solution
*Tell the students to come out with maximum number of possible solutions
(cellotape, cement, superglue, insulation tape, white tape, change pipe etc)
* Find out which is the best
(check out method: finding the drawback of each solution and come up with thd best)
Tell them to present why they choose that option
activity ends here
Next tell them the steps of problem solving
*1)*Define and find maximum number of possible solutions
*2)*selecting apt one
3) applying
4) feedback (here: checking for leak at regular intervals)
(Direct type)
🔻I have a leaking pipe. Find apt solution
*Tell the students to come out with maximum number of possible solutions
(cellotape, cement, superglue, insulation tape, white tape, change pipe etc)
* Find out which is the best
(check out method: finding the drawback of each solution and come up with thd best)
Tell them to present why they choose that option
activity ends here
Next tell them the steps of problem solving
*1)*Define and find maximum number of possible solutions
*2)*selecting apt one
3) applying
4) feedback (here: checking for leak at regular intervals)