🔎English Scan🔠
"അക്ഷരക്കൂട്ടങ്ങളെ പറ്റിയുള്ള പഠനമാണ് ഓർത്തോഗ്രഫി" (It includes norms of spelling, hyphenation, capitalization, word breaks, emphasis, and punctuation.)
▪Misspelt word❌
▪Correct Spelling✔
❌accomodation / acommodation
❌allegaince, allegience, alegiance
✔a lot or allot
❌amatuer, amature
❌apparant, aparent
❌awfull, aweful
❌collaegue, collegue
(but committed, committing, committee)
❌concious, consious
❌garantee, garentee, garanty
❌gratefull, greatful
❌inteligence, intelligance
✔jewelry (UK: jewellery)
✔no one or no-one
❌occasionaly, occassionally
❌paralell / parallell
❌personell, personel
❌playright, playwrite
❌questionaire, questionnair
❌referance, refrence
❌ relevent
estarant, restaraunt
❌secratary, secretery
❌succesful, successfull, sucessful
❌wellfare, welfair
(source:Wikipedia,Oxford dictionary)
My source: whatsap Group