Foundation Courses- Level 1 ASAP Programme is of 300 – 330 hours duration, out of which 180 hours are devoted to Foundation Course that contains modules on communication skills in English and information technology. The other 120-150 hours are devoted to the skill sector chosen by the student for specialization. The focus of the foundation course is to develop soft skills that are essential to work efficiently in a corporate environment.Contact

Sunday, 30 September 2018

Most Common American Idioms

*•┈┈•✿❁🔘 ⭐ 🔘❁✿•┈┈•*

*Most Common American Idioms*

❗️Don't wash your dirty linen in public.
▪️Don't tell your bad points to others. 

❗️You'll just be wasting your breath.
▪️Don't bother, they won't listen. 

❗️The wear and tear will defeat us.
▪️The effort is not worth the rewards. 

❗️You'll wear out your welcome.
▪️Don't stay too long. 

❗️I'll pay you when my ship comes in.
▪️When I get rich I'll pay you. 

❗️We just have to weather the storm.
▪️Keep working in rough times. 

❗️I can see the writing on the wall.
▪️I can sense that thing may be bad. 

❗️Let's wind up this problem.
▪️We need to finish this. 

❗️We will agree word for word.
▪️We agree exactly. 

❗️Just a word to the wise - Shut up!
▪️Listen to me! 

❗️You just zip your lip.
▪️Stop talking so much. 

❗️Keep your shirt on.
▪️Don't get so impatient.

❗️They are pulling your leg.
▪️They are playing a trick on you. 

❗️She is rolling in the dough.
▪️She has lots of money. 

❗️He's stinking rich.
▪️He's very wealthy. 

❗️We'll make him the fall guy.
▪️We will put the blame on him. 

❗️He will take the rap.
▪️He will be the guilty one.
❗️It's a bum rap.
▪️He is innocent.

*•┈┈•✿❁🔘 ⭐ 🔘❁✿•┈┈•*

Friday, 28 September 2018


say in the flattest part of North Dakota
on a starless moonless night
no breath of wind

a man could light a candle
then walk away
every now and then
he could turn and see
the candle burning

seventeen miles later
provided conditions remained ideal
he could still see the flame

somewhere between the seventeenth and eighteenth mile
he would lose the light

if he were walking backwards
he would know the exact moment
when he lost the flame

he could step forward and find it again
back and forth
dark to light light to dark

what's the place where the light disappears?
where the light reappears?
don't tell me about photons
and eyeballs
reflection and refraction
don't tell me about one hundred and eighty-six thousand
miles per second and the theory of relativity

all I know is that place
where the light appears and disappears
that's the place where we live